Thus sums up my weekend. It was busy, and fabulous. Friday kicked off the Living Proof Live conference in Denver with Beth Moore. I have watched Beth Moore, done her Bible studies and read her books for a couple of years now and it always amazes me how much I learn every time. There has never been a time I haven't taken something away from what she is teaching. It was such a blast to be able to see her in person. I think the thing that most amazed me about the conference was that there were 5,600 people there and it felt like she was talking to 10 of us. She is so humble and it was such a privilege to see her. Read more about the conference and what I learned here.

When I fiiiannnaly got home on Saturday afternoon (thank you 1-25 traffic, you never always disappoint) My amazing husband had packed a picnic lunch for us. Ya'll- it was the sweetest thing. He had gone to the grocery store (a feat in itself) made sandwiches, bought my favorite chips, packed it all up and patiently waited for me to get home. We drove up Boulder Canyon and found the most fabulous place right next to the river. We have been so busy and with football right around the corner we really needed to spend some time together. It was perfect.
Sunday it was back to reality. We went to church and when we got home I had a sudden burst of energy to clean out the guest room. And when I say clean out, I mean take everything off the closet shelves, out of the drawers- you organizational freaks know what I'm talking about. Now I love doing this kind of stuff, J on the other hand, not so much. But none the less we did it and it looks fab. Now I just have to do the rest of the house.....maybe in a couple of weeks, better not push my luck!
I hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend, I would love to hear what you were up to!