I say all of this with affection except for one thing: stress. I am usually a hot mess by December 26th. Saying that I will NEVER attempt to do that much for Christmas again. Until next year comes. Then the sick cycle starts all over again. I suffer, my husband suffers, my family suffers. Does this sound familiar to any one? Lord, I hope so. I would be so disappointed if I was the only one that brings this on myself.
The Bible says this: "The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." Proverbs 21:5
I don't know about you, but I would like some abundance this Christmas. Abundance of joy, love, peace and cookies. I am tired of living in the poverty of stress, disappointment and anxiety.
So here it is, my plan for this Christmas:
1. Focus on the reason.
I know, it sounds totally cliche', but let's face it, most of us forget why we are doing all of this in the first place. Let's get our priorities straight this year. When we make Jesus first in all we do, including celebrations, everything else will fall into place. This season is about Him. God, choosing to clothe himself in skin to come and save us. Oh, that I may not take that lightly. That I may not forget how amazing He is, and how much He loves me.
2. Plan the calendar & learn to say NO.
This is something I have learned to do over the years. If we plan our December calendar early, it is much easier to say no to extra volunteering opportunities, parties and relatives coming to stay. We always volunteer at Operation Christmas Child and have a few other traditions that we always do. If we've already made our plans, we stick to them and stress stays away.
3. November Prep
This is a biggie. If we plan ahead in November, then there is less stress in December.
This includes:
Wiping down all baseboards and doors
Wipe down all kitchen cabinets
Wipe down all inside of drawers
Wipe down all kitchen appliances
Scrub floors
Cleaning carpets/rugs
Vacuuming behind/under furniture
Organize closets
Organize cabinets
Organizing baking supplies and replenish supplies needed
Orange Rolls
Pie Crusts
Molasses Cookies
Hot Cocoa Cookies
Decorating Plan
Come up with a decorating plan now. Are you going to need to make anything such as a wreath or centerpiece? Will you be using the same decorations or do you need to replace any? Do you need to replace the lights you used last year for the tree or house? These are all things to be thinking about in November, before it is time to decorate. It is so much more fun when you don't have to run to Hobby Lobby every 5 minutes for more ornament hangers. Here are a few things I will be making:
Trees in Mason Jars
Kissing Ball
Village in a Jar
Gingerbread Man Garland
(click on the picture to link up to the project)
Giving is so much fun, but it can get a little overwhelming. I like to separate my giving into different categories:
Now I can make a list of what I need to make and bake, then I'm not overwhelmed and trying to figure out what I am going to give everyone.
Christmas Cards
I look forward to doing a Christmas letter and picture every year. We have so many loved ones that are not near us, and I like to make sure they know we are thinking about them, especially during the holidays. Here is my checklist:
Find addresses for people that may have moved, or new additions to my list
Make and print labels for cards
Type up letter
Think of poses for picture/plan outfits
So there it is, my plan. I'm looking at it now and realizing how completely insane I am. My hope is this year we all remember why we celebrate and that no matter how big our checklist is, we have a Savior that loves us and wants us to love others.
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