dirty dishes, un-made bed, what's for dinner?

This year I have worked diligently to be wiser with my time. Mostly I have worked on saying no. I love to volunteer for anything and everything, entertain as much as possible and travel. As you can imagine, usually I over do it and end up stressed and my home ends up looking like a tornado has gone through it. My home and my husband need to come before my extracurricular activities. So what's a girl to do when there is 50 thousand things to get done in a day? She plans ahead. I have realized over the years that time management does not come naturally to me. I am easily distracted, and many times end up wasting time I could have used to be more productive, if I had planned my day. I have looked and looked for a printable schedule I could use, but alas have never found one that is perfect for me. So I made one. And it works. And I'm giving it to you. For free. You're welcome. 

Now let's go out there and be brave and productive! 



P.S. I would love to hear some of your organizational and time management tips, let's chat! 

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