my best friend moved away so I sent her cupcakes

It's been a bit of a rough summer. We were supposed to move to Texas. We didn't. Then our best friends moved away. When I say best friends, I mean these are our people. We do everything with them. Holidays, The Super Bowl (actually in our house The Super Bowl is a holiday, so that should probably be lumped in the holiday category), Josh coached with Jerry, and Andrea was my matron of honor. Their kids are like our own. We laughed, we cried, we ate. And now they live 837.4 miles away. Approximately. I am having a hard time, if you haven't picked up on that already. Ya'll are smart, so you probably have. Anyway, they moved because my best friend Andrea was offered an amazing job at an amazing school. It really is a fabulous opportunity for them, and their family, and I really am thrilled for them. She is a math whiz and an amazing teacher.

So, to commemorate her first day at her shiny new job, I wanted to send her something special. I thought about flowers, but they only last a couple of days and they are crazy expensive. Then I thought about sending cupcakes in a jar from a really neat business I heard about. But the shipping was going to cost me $35.00. Yikes. Then my sweet co-worker, Anne, told me I should just make the cupcakes in a jar and mail them. So I did.

These are so easy to make and such a cute idea. I know anyone would appreciate receiving one of these. Especially best friends who moved 837.4 miles away.

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